ḋạḳọṭạ: bathroom graffiti
ḋạḳọṭạ: sowwy for the blurryness. pt. 2
ḋạḳọṭạ: pt. 3....... people are pretty interesting
ḋạḳọṭạ: and the crowd goes wild
ḋạḳọṭạ: brilliant.
ḋạḳọṭạ: check out the dragonista
ḋạḳọṭạ: end of the show
ḋạḳọṭạ: end of the show pt. 2
ḋạḳọṭạ: from my perspective
ḋạḳọṭạ: !!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVEEEEEEEEEE.
ḋạḳọṭạ: fractals numba two
ḋạḳọṭạ: center stage now
ḋạḳọṭạ: during neil's drum solo
ḋạḳọṭạ: what would I do without this camera?
ḋạḳọṭạ: love.bass.
ḋạḳọṭạ: further back
ḋạḳọṭạ: & they were good.