debohamilton: Love at first sight
debohamilton: Don't you try to seduce me, Pumpkin!
debohamilton: The peace arch
debohamilton: school picture
debohamilton: the perfect pumpkin
debohamilton: Pumpkin Patch
debohamilton: Me and my kins
debohamilton: Out at The Farm
debohamilton: pumpkins
debohamilton: This corn is A-maz-ing
debohamilton: Go Cougs!
debohamilton: Warning! Hanford.
debohamilton: I think the donkey is going to eat that pig
debohamilton: What an ass.
debohamilton: that'll do pigs
debohamilton: The little show pigs
debohamilton: my dream car...matches the rest of my life.
debohamilton: Yea, Homecoming!
debohamilton: My Heisman pose.
debohamilton: Stop looking at me....Swan.
debohamilton: Rezalu
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debohamilton: Auntie Deb and Miss Jane
debohamilton: cheese.