DeBee1015: Spaceship Earth
DeBee1015: Spaceship Earth
DeBee1015: Cities in Wonderland
DeBee1015: Spaceship Earth
DeBee1015: Birds sitting on the sign
DeBee1015: Seating at the "Tea Party"
DeBee1015: Figment!
DeBee1015: Figment!
DeBee1015: Figment!
DeBee1015: A big Kodak camera
DeBee1015: The pictures that the camera took appeared on a monitor overhead
DeBee1015: I'm not sure which side is my good side
DeBee1015: Watching the pictures as they came on screen
DeBee1015: Taking a picture of the picture
DeBee1015: Goofy faces
DeBee1015: Kathy & Stitch
DeBee1015: Coka-Cola rules the world!
DeBee1015: Pineapples grow via small shrubs
DeBee1015: Me getting onto Mission Space
DeBee1015: Oh noes, I'm about to get on the ride, where's my vomit bag!!!!
DeBee1015: My "new" sweet ride
DeBee1015: Kathy is down with the brothers on the south side.
DeBee1015: Oh Mexico
DeBee1015: Japan across the lake
DeBee1015: No matter where you are you can see Spaceship Earth
DeBee1015: Pork Potstickers & Chicken Sha Cha
DeBee1015: A multi ethnic meal
DeBee1015: Lillies in bloom in China
DeBee1015: Kids playing on the drums
DeBee1015: By the time we arrived in South Africa all the Margaritas were gone