The Dolly Mama: Ji wishes you a blessed Christmas...
The Dolly Mama: Ji stands all amazed...
The Dolly Mama: Ji is a shepherd....
The Dolly Mama: Jingle Jangle contemplates Christmas
The Dolly Mama: You only need a light in Houston now....and even that you might have to take it off...
The Dolly Mama: Jingle Jangle....up in her nest.....
The Dolly Mama: His eyes lit up..when...Jingle Jangle....appeared...
The Dolly Mama: Time to start decorating for Valentine's day...
The Dolly Mama: Jingle Jangle loves feathering her nest for Valentine's Day
The Dolly Mama: Everything is more fun with a friend....
The Dolly Mama: Missing Ji Ja
The Dolly Mama: Missing Ji Ja....found and accounted for ....
The Dolly Mama: Chick Lit (blue)
The Dolly Mama: Almost missing Ji Ja....
The Dolly Mama: Another birdy flew in....
The Dolly Mama: Ji Ja loneliness
The Dolly Mama: Ji Ja Junkie......
The Dolly Mama: "What a trip...I am NEVER getting on a plane again!"
The Dolly Mama: "I love living in bokeh"
The Dolly Mama: While decorating......
The Dolly Mama: I heard a caroler at the door!
The Dolly Mama: "Still warm enough to do cloud watching in Houston"
The Dolly Mama: Birds of a feather....
The Dolly Mama: Hi to all....hope you find your way on the "new" flickr...
The Dolly Mama: A little birdy and oleander...
The Dolly Mama: Does the caged bird sing?
The Dolly Mama: Fly away with me...
The Dolly Mama: a jija amd headless pilgrims
The Dolly Mama: "I tawt I saw a birdies...."
The Dolly Mama: Birds of a feather