The Dolly Mama: Will these turn into a carriage?
The Dolly Mama: Mommy says not to be afraid....
The Dolly Mama: Three Little Pumpkins
The Dolly Mama: "See I am not scary!!! I am Cute!"
The Dolly Mama: "I was kind of afraid to go into the woods, but Mommy said...whatever is in there would be more afraid of me..than I would be of it"
The Dolly Mama: Porkchop loves to play outside
The Dolly Mama: Stepping out of the and sound
The Dolly Mama: In the middle of our construction site
The Dolly Mama: ummm....Lunch.....ummm
The Dolly Mama: "I like you"
The Dolly Mama: "HI I'm Mutton!"
The Dolly Mama: I WANT THAT!!! I WANTYOU!!
The Dolly Mama: Mutton enjoying sunshine!!
The Dolly Mama: Cricket, Porkchop and Tom Turkey for family portrait
The Dolly Mama: Vintage, Vintage, Vintage
The Dolly Mama: "Don't Look Back" Dolls and Music 3/52
The Dolly Mama: "I'm Looking for David" ADAW 14/52
The Dolly Mama: "THERE better be a DARN good reason I am wearing this hat!"
The Dolly Mama: I know I am lost in NEverNeverLand....
The Dolly Mama: Speaking of Trouble *ADAW 27/52*
The Dolly Mama: "I told you not to worry..."
The Dolly Mama: "I say go for it...It's Valentine's DAY!"
The Dolly Mama: "May your supply of chocolate never end!"
The Dolly Mama: "I had a wonderful lovely YUMMY busy birthday!"