The Dolly Mama: Miracle and 34th Street at the Carnival
The Dolly Mama: Miracle the Carnival Queen
The Dolly Mama: Miracle and 34th Street
The Dolly Mama: Princess Miracle..
The Dolly Mama: Do you Ever feel that you just don't fit in?
The Dolly Mama: Figgy came with more Holiday spirit!!!
The Dolly Mama: MIracle Brought the Angel for the Tree
The Dolly Mama: OKaaaaaaayyyy...a one and a twooooo
The Dolly Mama: mERRY CHRISTMAS aND hAPPY hOLIDAYS from the Blythe Rockettes!!!
The Dolly Mama: Kisses maybe..BUT NO TonguE!!!!
The Dolly Mama: Are we comfy Now?
The Dolly Mama: that is better....
The Dolly Mama: Miracle kickin back....
The Dolly Mama: What in the world?????
The Dolly Mama: Miracle in BIG PINK COOL Chair in Playroom
The Dolly Mama: I can NOT believe I am in Florida
The Dolly Mama: Is that a SHARKKKKKKKkkkk?
The Dolly Mama: Miracle Catching some Rays...
The Dolly Mama: Do they really have buried treasure in Florida
The Dolly Mama: " I just don't think it is a good idea to dress in the dark"