The Dolly Mama: Girls in a new storage area...I'm thinking they are not thrilled
The Dolly Mama: Are you sure I won't get a sunburn out here?
The Dolly Mama: Annabella modeling her new outfit
The Dolly Mama: Annabella so happy to be out of the closet..
The Dolly Mama: Annabella taking a rest
The Dolly Mama: The Eyes have it!
The Dolly Mama: mERRY CHRISTMAS aND hAPPY hOLIDAYS from the Blythe Rockettes!!!
The Dolly Mama: OKaaaaaaayyyy...a one and a twooooo
The Dolly Mama: Annabella Says Hoppy Christmas
The Dolly Mama: Nouchie came in her holiday attire!!1
The Dolly Mama: When Amethyst Eyes Are Smiling
The Dolly Mama: Annabella Sunshine
The Dolly Mama: Enjoying the Sunny Afternoon at the Pond..
The Dolly Mama: We Want to Wish Judy Goodwin a VERY Happy Birthday !!! Even though our faces don't look Thrilled..we are...really.
The Dolly Mama: Many hands make light the work.
The Dolly Mama: Annabelle and Fifi getting ready for Halloween
The Dolly Mama: Hissssssssssssssss~~~~~~~~AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
The Dolly Mama: Can you tell what I am?
The Dolly Mama: Little Miss Muffet sat on a tuffet Eating her curds and whey, Along came a spider, Who sat down beside her And frightened Miss Muffet away
The Dolly Mama: Annabelle is looking for a new home....
The Dolly Mama: Annabelle Halloween eyes..
The Dolly Mama: Annabelle and friends....
The Dolly Mama: Annabelle out for a stroll....
The Dolly Mama: Annabelle
The Dolly Mama: Annabelle's fairy godmother...
The Dolly Mama: OH Fairy Godmother ...can you tell me what Santa is bringing me?
The Dolly Mama: A big southern Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all you wonderful Flickrettes!!
The Dolly Mama: Merry Christmas!!!
The Dolly Mama: Vintage Annabelle and Fairy Godmother
The Dolly Mama: Annabelle LOves Wear it Again WEdnesDAYSSS