Inkygirl: Errol Elumir's daughter does a great job at acting bored for the I'm Bored music video book trailer shoot.
Inkygirl: Errol Elumir shoots footage of his daughter being bored for the I'm Bored music video photo shoot (and yes, the book was upside down on purpose :-)).
Inkygirl: Zoe poses for the I'M BORED music video book trailer
Inkygirl: Heehee -- I love the über-serious expression on Errol Elumir's face as he manipulates the Potato puppet for the I'm Bored music video book trailer.
Inkygirl: Zoe pretending to read a copy of I'm Bored for the music video book trailer shoot by Errol Elumir.
Inkygirl: Zoe being bored for the I'M BORED music video book trailer
Inkygirl: I'M BORED music video trailer shoot