1blessedmom Photography: I'm Feeling Bored, Butt I've Got a Tail to Tell
1blessedmom Photography: Thanks for Caring ~ Now Just Sit Back and Chill a Bit :)
1blessedmom Photography: VOTE! - It's as American as the Bald Eagle
1blessedmom Photography: Ahhhh . . . Sweet Relief
1blessedmom Photography: She Enjoyed the Petting Zoo
1blessedmom Photography: Wrinkles . . . They Happen to the Best of Us
1blessedmom Photography: Old McDonald Had a Farm . . .
1blessedmom Photography: Billy Goat Gruff . . . Tried to Smack Me with His Horns
1blessedmom Photography: A Piercing Look
1blessedmom Photography: Waddle I Get for Letting You Take My Picture?
1blessedmom Photography: That Smile is Deceiving . . . One Bite and You're Dead!
1blessedmom Photography: Komodo Dragon #2
1blessedmom Photography: Sleeping Beauty . . .
1blessedmom Photography: It's Great to Have a Place to Rest Your Head...
1blessedmom Photography: Handy Dandy Appendage
1blessedmom Photography: The Other Trunk
1blessedmom Photography: Rainforest Monkey
1blessedmom Photography: Time for a Trip to the Beauty Salon Old Girl!
1blessedmom Photography: What Lurks in the Trees of the Rainforest?
1blessedmom Photography: In Need of Orthodontia
1blessedmom Photography: Do You Know Any Good Orthodontists?