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July 2022 by Debbie G
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Debbie G
182/365 Colours for Canada Day
Debbie G
183/365 Allium Seed-head
Debbie G
184/365 Mock Orange (Philadelphus)
Debbie G
185/365 Rose in the rain
Debbie G
186/365 Tradescantia
Debbie G
187/365 Lily
Debbie G
188/365 Delphinium
Debbie G
189/365 Seed Head
Debbie G
190/365 Cosmos
Debbie G
191/365 My Loony Cat
Debbie G
192/365 At Long Last, Summer
Debbie G
193/365 Rose: "The Alnwick Rose"
Debbie G
194/365 Snapdragon
Debbie G
195/365 Calendula (Marigold)
Debbie G
196/365 Celebration
Debbie G
197/365 Brodiaea (with bonus tiny ant)
Debbie G
198/365 Cerinthe
Debbie G
199/365 Poppy Seed-head
Debbie G
200/365 Polemium (Jacob's Ladder)
Debbie G
201/365 Ammi
Debbie G
202/265 Crocosmia
Debbie G
203/365 My Neighbour's Hollyhock
Debbie G
204/365 Astilbe
Debbie G
205/365 Collard Leaf Detail
Debbie G
206/365 Red Valerian (Centranthus)
Debbie G
207/365 Convolvulus/Bindweed/"Morning Glory"
Debbie G
208/365 Blacklit Poppy (Papaver Somniferum)
Debbie G
209/367 Scented Geranium
Debbie G
210/365 Thyme
Debbie G
7-12 Baggins: Mr Scruffy-face
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