Debbie G: 1-12 Baggins: New Beginnings
Debbie G: 2-12 Baggins: Happy Valentine's Day
Debbie G: 3-12 Baggins: Anticipation
Debbie G: 4-12 Baggins: Waiting at the door
Debbie G: Race to the Finish!
Debbie G: 6-12 Baggins Could you resist this face?
Debbie G: 7-12 Baggins "In a hole in the ground there lived a Hobbit"
Debbie G: 8-12 Best of Breed!
Debbie G: 9-12: Baggins: Autumn Walk
Debbie G: could you resist this face?
Debbie G: 11-12 Baggins The Nose Knows
Debbie G: 12-12 Baggins: I will do this because I love you