Debbie G: Cowparsley with blue bokeh
Debbie G: Cherry Blossom
Debbie G: maple brightness
Debbie G: backlit leaf
Debbie G: Dianthus Macro
Debbie G: speedwell
Debbie G: cammas with shooting star bokeh
Debbie G: bees on thistle
Debbie G: Windflower
Debbie G: first tulip
Debbie G: english primrose
Debbie G: satin flower macro
Debbie G: Goldfinch on a snowy day
Debbie G: backlit cosmos
Debbie G: true gold
Debbie G: Dragonfly
Debbie G: hummer feeding
Debbie G: anemone nemorosa
Debbie G: curious pigeon
Debbie G: erythronium
Debbie G: snowcapped seedpod
Debbie G: heather
Debbie G: chickadee
Debbie G: cotoneaster study
Debbie G: autumn colour
Debbie G: gaura
Debbie G: Spring Bokeh
Debbie G: Swallowtail
Debbie G: Pink Climbing Rose with Bokeh
Debbie G: squirrel 2