debaird™: it's about relationships
debaird™: rethink
debaird™: southbound train
debaird™: iPod + edu
debaird™: knowledge is power
debaird™: quack!
debaird™: yes dervala, there really is a bj fogg
debaird™: get connected
debaird™: empower!
debaird™: change is in the air
debaird™: pulling together
debaird™: the pen is so last century
debaird™: podcasting
debaird™: think community
debaird™: (re)think
debaird™: mLearning
debaird™: mac addicts
debaird™: iste
debaird™: .:necc::2006:.
debaird™: palms
debaird™: tom cruise sang here
debaird™: got yackpack?
debaird™: google earth it
debaird™: it's all about the (edu)blogs!