Deaton Pigot: Klaus making sure its right
Deaton Pigot: Cam (in focus)
Deaton Pigot: Monmouth coffee
Deaton Pigot: Thick espresso
Deaton Pigot: Nice job Cam
Deaton Pigot: Flat white
Deaton Pigot: Flat White London
Deaton Pigot: Flat White London
Deaton Pigot: IMG_5436
Deaton Pigot: Monmouth
Deaton Pigot: Luved up
Deaton Pigot: An old hand roaster
Deaton Pigot: What to drink?
Deaton Pigot: Monmouth from the back of the cafe
Deaton Pigot: On the move to monmouth
Deaton Pigot: Grumpy Cafe
Deaton Pigot: Coffee
Deaton Pigot: Grumpys
Deaton Pigot: Love it
Deaton Pigot: The bar and Ed
Deaton Pigot: Gorilla coffee co Brooklyn
Deaton Pigot: Take away mugs