Deaton Pigot: Coffee, cofee, coffee
Deaton Pigot: Cranes
Deaton Pigot: Andrew
Deaton Pigot: Rachael ranked 4th in the irish champs
Deaton Pigot: Some old dudes
Deaton Pigot: Se Gorman Northern Ireland champ and ranked 2nd in the UK
Deaton Pigot: Lou's sig drink
Deaton Pigot: Filming James Hoffmans performance
Deaton Pigot: Edward Buston
Deaton Pigot: James's Centrifuge
Deaton Pigot: Trophies
Deaton Pigot: Interestin sig drink
Deaton Pigot: Rach taking a break
Deaton Pigot: Steph and Jen
Deaton Pigot: Jen and Anette
Deaton Pigot: Tah da!
Deaton Pigot: Good job old boy!
Deaton Pigot: Andrew and Rach
Deaton Pigot: You're only as old as the women you feel, right?
Deaton Pigot: The tense moments before the anouncment
Deaton Pigot: God Klaus its not all about you!