pdg photography: Jamie, Twelve.Five
pdg photography: Jamie, Twelve
pdg photography: winston had to hang
pdg photography: Whose parking? STAN's parking!
pdg photography: Jamie, Eleven
pdg photography: Jamie, Ten
pdg photography: Give me the strength to be what I was, and forgive me for what I am
pdg photography: Jamie, Nine
pdg photography: Jamie, Eight
pdg photography: Jamie, Seven
pdg photography: Ryan McGregor, Complicated Dance Steps, Six
pdg photography: Ryan McGregor, Complicated Dance Steps, Five
pdg photography: Ryan McGregor, Complicated Dance Steps, Four
pdg photography: Ryan McGregor, Complicated Dance Steps, Three
pdg photography: Ryan McGregor, Complicated Dance Steps, Two
pdg photography: Ryan McGregor, Complicated Dance Steps, One
pdg photography: it's alive!
pdg photography: you might as well face it
pdg photography: the reign of distortion
pdg photography: control tower at the edge of the earth
pdg photography: the roots
pdg photography: less than a fifth of comfort
pdg photography: Mannequin P.I.
pdg photography: here I stay
pdg photography: Mommy, can I go out and kill tonight?
pdg photography: these be primary colors
pdg photography: i'd tear out my eyes to see everything that you do
pdg photography: everything one needs to make some bad decisions
pdg photography: no one seemed to notice how she was different...but I did
pdg photography: Established in Milwaukee