Kane_North: Three Gosips
Kane_North: Turret Arch
Kane_North: Shafer Trail
Kane_North: Grand View Point Overlook
Kane_North: Candlestick Tower
Kane_North: Horseshoe Bend
Kane_North: Grand Canyon
Kane_North: Norris Geyser Basin
Kane_North: Geyser and hotspring
Kane_North: Little Geyser
Kane_North: Enjoying the view
Kane_North: Grand Prismatic Spring
Kane_North: Grand Prismatic Spring
Kane_North: Old Faithful
Kane_North: View across Jackson Lake
Kane_North: Yellowstone Bison
Kane_North: Mammoth Hot Springs
Kane_North: Johnston Canyon Lower Falls
Kane_North: Alpine Cinquefoil
Kane_North: Peaks above Jasper.
Kane_North: Arrival at camp.
Kane_North: Surveying the camp.
Kane_North: Rus-Viking helmet.
Kane_North: Captain...
Kane_North: Inspecting his gear.
Kane_North: A fellow of infinite jest.
Kane_North: Craftsmanship.
Kane_North: At rest.
Kane_North: Rus-Viking helmet.
Kane_North: Lighter outfit.