Kane_North: Surveying the camp.
Kane_North: Arrival at camp.
Kane_North: Rus-Viking helmet.
Kane_North: Captain...
Kane_North: Can Vikings be dapper?
Kane_North: Rus-Viking helmet.
Kane_North: Craftsmanship.
Kane_North: Inspecting his gear.
Kane_North: A fellow of infinite jest.
Kane_North: At rest.
Kane_North: Cloak portrait.
Kane_North: Cap and cloak.
Kane_North: Lighter outfit.
Kane_North: Sword and board.
Kane_North: Draw.
Kane_North: Drawn.
Kane_North: Above the river.
Kane_North: Shield.
Kane_North: Windswept river overlook.
Kane_North: Riverbank.
Kane_North: It shall be spring soon enough.
Kane_North: Afternoon sun and snow.
Kane_North: Guard duty.
Kane_North: Death approaches.
Kane_North: Perilous path.