dearanxiety: This movie. 8:36
dearanxiety: Can't remember the last time I was so in love with a movie. Take this waltz. 8:36
dearanxiety: At 8:36 my phone was dead. Now I'm going to bed in a messy room. Lots to do tomorrow.
dearanxiety: Watching the craft, which Ian has never seen. 8:36
dearanxiety: Trying to calculate what 500 calories over a day would look like. 8:36
dearanxiety: A's home of the. 8:36
dearanxiety: Happy anniversary to this guy #836
dearanxiety: Cat cuddles while ian is at the ballgame. #8:36pm
dearanxiety: Wed night bowling league #8:36pm
dearanxiety: Laundry folding and grey's anatomy. #8:36pm
dearanxiety: Ticket to ride with @ian and his dad. #8:36pm
dearanxiety: Backyard dining. #8:36pm
dearanxiety: We hung some backyard lights #8:36pm
dearanxiety: Playing mancala while our ground nut soup cooks. #8:36pm
dearanxiety: Eating Thai food with the jacks #8:36pm
dearanxiety: Booker t wants his dinner #8:36pm
dearanxiety: Librarians librarianing. #8:36pm
dearanxiety: My #8:36pm alarm didn't go off somehow. So 916 anaheim palm tree. I had dinner with 3 handsome authors
dearanxiety: At the newbery caldecott banquet. #8:36pm
dearanxiety: Last ala dinner = too much food. #8:36pm
dearanxiety: Reading trashy mags at the airport. Going home. #8:36pm
dearanxiety: Quesadian #8:36pm
dearanxiety: Foie gras party at Kate's #8:36pm
dearanxiety: My honey, the api fanboy. #8:36pm
dearanxiety: Clementine is hungry. #8:36pm
dearanxiety: Being in this part of town generally means one thing... fertility doctors! Tonight was ivf orientation. #8:36pm
dearanxiety: Working on my to do list. #8:36pm
dearanxiety: Happy fourth! #8:36pm
dearanxiety: Delayed #8:36pm. American idiot with the maciases
dearanxiety: Korean food with @yosh and amy. #8:36pm