dearanxiety: 105_0551 - Prepping the cats was not easy.
dearanxiety: 105_0552 - Tim and Chelsea overlook the festive table.
dearanxiety: 105_0553 - Sometimes the cats escaped
dearanxiety: 105_0554 - Chelsea enjoyed her gefilte fish
dearanxiety: 105_0555 - Erika did not find the Afikomen, but she did find the cake.
dearanxiety: 105_0556 - The Dream Team, Matthew and Derry
dearanxiety: 105_0557 - the hunt is on
dearanxiety: 105_0558 - Only Em knows where it is and she's not telling
dearanxiety: 105_0559 - Yay! chelsea wins...
dearanxiety: 105_0561 - ...the grand Afikomen prize!
dearanxiety: 105_0562 - yes. Derry is still sitting in the same spot with a much emptier same bottle of wine. yes, it's hours later.