Dean Zobec: canalon
Dean Zobec: cascata_in_secca
Dean Zobec: btc
Dean Zobec: galleria
Dean Zobec: sella_della_bora
Dean Zobec: Trieste dalla Valle
Dean Zobec: orizzonte triestino
Dean Zobec: panorama della Valle
Dean Zobec: Stena
Dean Zobec: stelle
Dean Zobec: Sentiero per Botazzo
Dean Zobec: monte Stena
Dean Zobec: le stelle
Dean Zobec: la chiesetta ed il cippo
Dean Zobec: IMG_0769
Dean Zobec: il fascino delle spine
Dean Zobec: Gli Altari
Dean Zobec: el ghiaion
Dean Zobec: ciclamini
Dean Zobec: Beka
Dean Zobec: Living on the edge
Dean Zobec: Sella della Bora
Dean Zobec: Little gems
Dean Zobec: IMG_0866
Dean Zobec: the old border
Dean Zobec: IMG_0903
Dean Zobec: IMG_0901
Dean Zobec: the power of life
Dean Zobec: ghiaion
Dean Zobec: entrance of the Martina Cucchi cave