deant316: Bebot Chilling out
deant316: bebot @ the beach
deant316: The Staredown
deant316: Bebot at the Beach
deant316: bebot chewing
deant316: the dog house
deant316: bebot in hiding
deant316: funny face!
deant316: Bebot
deant316: loop de loop
deant316: california adventure
deant316: all i want for xmas
deant316: sword in the stone
deant316: ARR! i be a pirate
deant316: fun with hats
deant316: even more fun with hats
deant316: capn jack aubrey
deant316: top 10
deant316: duel blasting
deant316: swimming with the fishies
deant316: welcome to the jungle
deant316: ELEPHANT!
deant316: the jungle
deant316: utot dito
deant316: disneyland main st at night
deant316: city of light
deant316: xmas in union square
deant316: pismo rocks
deant316: pismo cliffs 01