deanne127: incomparable kimberly, nyc
deanne127: pouring affirmation
deanne127: captain miami
deanne127: stephen's serious 'fro-face
deanne127: braided & jaded
deanne127: VATICAN NUNs allowed out for a drive and... buttloads of ice cream
deanne127: barney & spongebob pinata success!
deanne127: IMGP1057.JPG
deanne127: IMGP1073.JPG
deanne127: the 3 floralteers!
deanne127: braided & jaded in rosarito self-portrait bw
deanne127: puffin' fidel
deanne127: William as Castro
deanne127: Jenn matches my birthday shower!
deanne127: well, our feet sure agree
deanne127: IMGP1662_2.JPG
deanne127: SorrySign
deanne127: IMGP1707.JPG
deanne127: i felt like an ewok
deanne127: peter braves the bridge
deanne127: SquirrelXing
deanne127: Lucious Lamb, what a name!!
deanne127: funky-mix face: exclusive to weirdo djs like my friends
deanne127: WMC06-Hazen&Thea@United
deanne127: it's sad how much they hate this music. poor dears. ;)
deanne127: two of a kind, one follows the light, the other finds darkness
deanne127: jen & erika "doe"zing by our "pool" at the dorchester hotel
deanne127: Loft-LonnieHeadGun
deanne127: BibbidyBibbidyBride!
deanne127: passed out at the "wheel"!