deanne127: philly's hot!!! who knew? heheh.
deanne127: bigbell broke--buh-bye
deanne127: philly, philly, cantanas de philly!
deanne127: liberty bell patches
deanne127: that's some awesome independence
deanne127: woah, history's tall
deanne127: in independence hall
deanne127: feeling stately
deanne127: independence hall leads to some very independent rooms
deanne127: it's a pose-off!!
deanne127: gettin' my independence on
deanne127: tombstone of Benjamin Franklin
deanne127: educational text re: music stand
deanne127: good idea, ben franklin! <high five>
deanne127: it's like a harpsicord, but it runs on water!
deanne127: elfreth's alley
deanne127: info plaque
deanne127: elfreth's alley
deanne127: mmm, authentic philly cheesesteak @ geno's
deanne127: cheesesteak/cheesefries = phillyheaven
deanne127: the coliseum by night
deanne127: ahhh, roma!
deanne127: happy to be in rome!
deanne127: these folks know their lighting...
deanne127: love the head in the middle!
deanne127: PICT1658.JPG
deanne127: PICT1661.JPG
deanne127: push-up patio
deanne127: how to pass out in italy and pull it off