Dean Meyers: Day 2 - Digital Video1
Dean Meyers: The Future of Still and Video Cameras1
Dean Meyers: Day 2 -Is Live Streaming a Fad?1
Dean Meyers: Panel_FutureofStillandVideoCameras
Dean Meyers: ExplosionofDigitalVideo_Edited
Dean Meyers: Photographers_&_Brands
Dean Meyers: MoveableInk_DynamicVideo1
Dean Meyers: Day 2 - New Visual Literacy
Dean Meyers: Day 2 - Joanne WIlson
Dean Meyers: challenges
Dean Meyers: emotional intelligence
Dean Meyers: mapping
Dean Meyers: future-of-video-and-stills
Dean Meyers: Bark and Co.
Dean Meyers: Building a home for all of your memories - Dropbox
Dean Meyers: Visually communicating through Social Media - @misshattan
Dean Meyers: Day 2 - Trends in Visual Communications & Tech Investing Panel1
Dean Meyers: Digital Graphic Recording - a graphic jam at LDV Vision Summit 2015