deadrichmond: southeastern corner of Lotus & Wilder Sts.
deadrichmond: northeastern corner of Wilder & Lotus
deadrichmond: Keep Out
deadrichmond: Looking down Lotus
deadrichmond: waiting for the end on Orchard Avenue
deadrichmond: The last to go
deadrichmond: doomed house on unknown street
deadrichmond: abandoned house and garage
deadrichmond: Where's the Lorax?
deadrichmond: 1028 ? Street
deadrichmond: Edgewood unknown house
deadrichmond: 906 Lotus Avenue
deadrichmond: 910 Lotus Avenue
deadrichmond: Seahorses
deadrichmond: 4610 Larkspar
deadrichmond: Rose Drive - Edgewood
deadrichmond: (former) City of Minor Lane Heights
deadrichmond: still hanging on
deadrichmond: Minor Lane Heights Relocation Office
deadrichmond: Minor Lane Heights #4
deadrichmond: blah, blah, blah
deadrichmond: Minor Lane Heights #3
deadrichmond: Minor Lane Heights #2
deadrichmond: Minor Lane Heights #1
deadrichmond: former site of Highland Park
deadrichmond: Under the Watterson Expressway
deadrichmond: more Highland Park
deadrichmond: Road to Nowhere
deadrichmond: Ruins of Highland Park