deadrichmond: old house, old gas station, old warehouse
deadrichmond: Another billboard of boring young white people
deadrichmond: Martin's Auto Sales
deadrichmond: Spring Hill shed
deadrichmond: Coming Soon to this sight: Yuppies
deadrichmond: abandoned building - Jeff Davis & Spring Hill
deadrichmond: 516 west 19th Street
deadrichmond: new houses on west 19th Street
deadrichmond: west 20th Street in Spring Hill
deadrichmond: house at west 21st and Spring Hill Streets
deadrichmond: McDonough and west 25th Streets
deadrichmond: abandoned apartment complex - Perry Street
deadrichmond: row of shotgun houses - Perry Street
deadrichmond: rear of house at Hargrove and west 25th Streets
deadrichmond: west Clopton Street
deadrichmond: abandoned on west Porter Street
deadrichmond: RRHA housing - Pilkington Street
deadrichmond: new RRHA housing -Pilkington & Wise Streets
deadrichmond: alley off Hull Street
deadrichmond: abandoned house behind park in Newtown South
deadrichmond: Marion Mashore Playground
deadrichmond: swingset with no swings
deadrichmond: Marion Mashore plaque.
deadrichmond: Better Housing Coalition sign
deadrichmond: Marion Mashore Street with Philip Morris in background
deadrichmond: house at end of Marion Mashore
deadrichmond: Everett Street house
deadrichmond: house at Marion Mashore & Pilkington Streets
deadrichmond: Cerseley Street
deadrichmond: Shotgun house - Old Dominion Street