Camera Obscura 1975:
Beartooth range, seen from Slough Creek area
Camera Obscura 1975:
Begining of trail to Cascade and Grebe Lakes in Yellowstone
Camera Obscura 1975:
Burned trees and young trees, on the trail from Grebe Lake to Cascade Lake
Camera Obscura 1975:
Campfire at Slough Creek campground in Yellowstone
Camera Obscura 1975:
Cascade Lake in Yellowstone with Washburn range in distance
Camera Obscura 1975:
Cascade Lake with Washburn Range in Distance
Camera Obscura 1975:
Cascade Lake, seen from the Observation Peak trail
Camera Obscura 1975:
Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone II
Camera Obscura 1975:
Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone
Camera Obscura 1975:
Grand Tetons with Wildflowers
Camera Obscura 1975:
Hayden Valley in Yellowstone
Camera Obscura 1975:
Lower Falls of the Yellowstone II
Camera Obscura 1975:
Lower Falls of the Yellowstone
Camera Obscura 1975:
Mammoth Hot Springs II
Camera Obscura 1975:
Mammoth Hot Springs III
Camera Obscura 1975:
Mammoth Hot Springs
Camera Obscura 1975:
Meadow near Cascad Lake in Yellowstone, with Washburn range in distance
Camera Obscura 1975:
Slough Creek trail VI
Camera Obscura 1975:
Slough Creek Trail VII
Camera Obscura 1975:
Slough Creek trail VIII
Camera Obscura 1975:
Slough Crek Trail I
Camera Obscura 1975:
Camera Obscura 1975:
The Tetons and the Snake River
Camera Obscura 1975:
Trail from Grebe Lake to Cascade Lake II
Camera Obscura 1975:
Trail from Grebe Lake to Cascade Lake
Camera Obscura 1975:
Trail to Glen Creek
Camera Obscura 1975:
Trail to Slough Creek II
Camera Obscura 1975:
Trail to Slough Creek III
Camera Obscura 1975:
Trail to Slough Creek IV, with buffalo
Camera Obscura 1975:
Trail to Slough Creek