deadphlegm: no one dies in real life (detail1)
deadphlegm: no one dies in real life (photo of)
deadphlegm: no one dies in real life (detail 2)
deadphlegm: sky diving
deadphlegm: self cleaning oven
deadphlegm: brought-up
deadphlegm: trouble on my hands (morning)
deadphlegm: emptiness took a lot of matter to see
deadphlegm: from throat or mouth
deadphlegm: oil slick heart skidding over the inside lane
deadphlegm: blackface coal
deadphlegm: post no dreams - 1st poster for LP
deadphlegm: dear mornings
deadphlegm: swan song
deadphlegm: reel-eyes
deadphlegm: crying eye push off
deadphlegm: heck horse zerox (blog art)
deadphlegm: no sky to duck under
deadphlegm: dumbed down pupil
deadphlegm: brand name banana
deadphlegm: cut loose in a feced off yard band
deadphlegm: sexual nature
deadphlegm: no more
deadphlegm: violent fellatio
deadphlegm: any second now (painting)
deadphlegm: introverted vertibrae (camera guts)
deadphlegm: uwillneednocouponorotherproductsemptycontainer (painting 2005)
deadphlegm: saddest rifle - detail
deadphlegm: dream like a fuse
deadphlegm: saddest penny in the rifle clip (bad photo)