Giloustrat: Amazing grace #2
athanecon: Sounion-moonrise
d'cuir: the petrified path of homeless hearts [] .grauland
d'cuir: lass das schöne schimmern zwischen uns erwachen []
d'cuir: the last symphony of radiance in the silence of our hearts []
d'cuir: more than anything that could give you forgiveness [] grauland
d'cuir: loneliness is not forever [] @ far away
d'cuir: even forgotten birds know sadness []
JAS62: Like a ghost train 327/366
maukap: Isola di Pantelleria🇮🇹- -Scàuri.
Linda Yuson: Gränna, Jonköping ,from the snowy and cold Sweden
thomas.armstrong: The Captain
sovcsil: P1420630-0
sovcsil: Budapest detail
photo&joy: Three Onions
Miche & Jon Rousell: Quidi Vidi harbour, Newfoundland, Canada
oriana.italy: Rhodes city, Anarghiri church
oriana.italy: Anarghiri orthodox church
Josef...: cold curtain
leanner1987: My own little winter wonderland
christensenbruce320: _DSC9180-SharpenAI-focus
christensenbruce320: _DSC9623-SharpenAI-focus
christensenbruce320: _DSC9631-SharpenAI-focus
marinela 2008: Frozen Perles
calderdalefoto: Freezing Fog
soniaadammurray - On & Off: White Roses For Love & Peace