ddwriter: cuBed
ddwriter: nowhere 2 run, nowhere 2 hide
ddwriter: brotherhood
ddwriter: flooded
ddwriter: BIGtime
ddwriter: HAVOC
ddwriter: possession is 9/10 of law
ddwriter: invasion
ddwriter: big stage
ddwriter: ain't 4 the view
ddwriter: High in The Sky
ddwriter: the BIG picture
ddwriter: anger issues
ddwriter: triangles
ddwriter: low key
ddwriter: do unto 2 others
ddwriter: back n forth
ddwriter: philprim iz blue
ddwriter: everyone's a critic
ddwriter: ravenous
ddwriter: OFFice
ddwriter: Demonized
ddwriter: disrespect
ddwriter: REFUG under the stairs
ddwriter: gridlock
ddwriter: savecito
ddwriter: how BOT this?
ddwriter: Spiderman
ddwriter: rack um up
ddwriter: not done yet