Anything photography: DSC_2614stock
Anything photography: reworked this one..........please look at it again and comment
Anything photography: A bit of reworking on this shot
Anything photography: Yes I like them raw too!
Anything photography: Potato soup, with some brocolli and cheese to make it good. Salad, and generic hot tomato juice. In other words lunch on Monday
Anything photography: Oh yeah, a healthy snack for me........
Anything photography: Dinner Thursday nite. YES thanks to a couple friends, I know the utensils are on the wrong side............LOL
Anything photography: New setup, stuffed mini peppers.
Anything photography: Something I am working on, more to come on this shot
Anything photography: Basic setup for wine glass stack. Black field light and a very snooted light..........
Anything photography: A reshoot of a favorite
Anything photography: top is the original, I dropped out the white background and then added colors to the drop out.
Anything photography: carmask7 comments please!
Anything photography: might have seen this one before
Anything photography: an idea I in progress