DMD1978: Tiny purple flowers
DMD1978: Condensation in the morning light
DMD1978: Icicle
DMD1978: Blue rose
DMD1978: The boy king
DMD1978: Prairie plant
DMD1978: Prairie plant in a cool tone
DMD1978: Self explanitory
DMD1978: Shy kitty
DMD1978: Evil kitty.
DMD1978: Peek-a-boo
DMD1978: Macro plant or weed?
DMD1978: Blue plant
DMD1978: Diamond droplet
DMD1978: Red flower
DMD1978: Macro dragonfly
DMD1978: Purple macro flower
DMD1978: Bleeding heart liberals
DMD1978: Pollen
DMD1978: Dandelions
DMD1978: The Trio
DMD1978: Big Blue
DMD1978: Red and Blue
DMD1978: Black and Blue
DMD1978: Black and Red
DMD1978: Big Red
DMD1978: Grass
DMD1978: The first signs of spring
DMD1978: Field of Hostas
DMD1978: Pastel