donjd2: Moss Landing Loon
donjd2: Lots of Brown Pelicans on the Rocks at Moss Landing
donjd2: Seagull Taking Flight at Most Landing
donjd2: Squirrel on the Rocks at Moss Landing
donjd2: Moss Landing Loon
donjd2: Harbor Seal Looking at Me at Moss Landing
donjd2: Moss Landing Loon
donjd2: Moss Landing Sea Otters
donjd2: Moss Landing Sea Otters
donjd2: Moss Landing Sea Otters
donjd2: Moss Landing Sea Otters
donjd2: Turkeys in Santa Teresa County Park
donjd2: Turkeys in Santa Teresa County Park
donjd2: Deer by Bernal-Gulnac-Joice Ranch
donjd2: Turtle in Dottie's Pond
donjd2: Mama Duck and her Ducklings
donjd2: Mama Duck and her Ducklings
donjd2: Mama Duck and her Ducklings
donjd2: Mama Duck and her Ducklings
donjd2: Tree Swallow Flying Out of Nest Box
donjd2: Tree Swallow Flying Out of Nest Box
donjd2: Turkey Vulture in Ed Levin County Park
donjd2: Turkey Vulture in Ed Levin County Park
donjd2: Turkey Vulture in Ed Levin County Park
donjd2: Turkey Vulture in Ed Levin County Park
donjd2: Weekly Deer Photo
donjd2: Weekly Deer Photo
donjd2: Weekly Deer Photo
donjd2: Weekly Deer Photo
donjd2: Lizard in my yard