donjd2: Morning light on hills near Bridgeport
donjd2: Gnome on bench at Redwood Hotel
donjd2: Sign in front of Redwood Motel
donjd2: Blue Wagon Wheel
donjd2: Scene from the Redwood Motel in Bridgeport
donjd2: Silhouette at Redwood Motel
donjd2: Joey's special place at the Redwood Motel in Bridgeport
donjd2: Photographer with his cameras
donjd2: Pat and Jim
donjd2: Scene from Eastern Sierras Photo Tour
donjd2: Rocky Lakeshore and Mountains
donjd2: Red-tailed hawk on a fence post
donjd2: Taravertine Hot Springs
donjd2: Photographer at the Travertine Hot Springs
donjd2: Travertine Hot Springs
donjd2: Travertine Hot Springs
donjd2: Photographers at the Hot Springs
donjd2: Scene from Travertine Hot Springs
donjd2: Scene from Easter Sierras Photo Tour
donjd2: Great Pyrenees Sheep Dog Guarding the Flock
donjd2: Bodie mine equipment
donjd2: Old Door Handle in Bodie
donjd2: Stamp Mill at Bodie
donjd2: Gears in the stamp mill shop
donjd2: A knife switch Igor would love
donjd2: Bodie Ranger giving a tour
donjd2: Old Bodie Bucket
donjd2: Scene from Bodie
donjd2: Bottles in a window in Bodie
donjd2: Scene from Easter Sierras Photo Tour