ddc95: 100 west 18th st
ddc95: empty lot 2
ddc95: empty lot 1
ddc95: materlock
ddc95: 18th st
ddc95: more apartments coming up
ddc95: lift up your heads...
ddc95: no parking
ddc95: its all a changing...
ddc95: 38th st and 1st ave
ddc95: through a crack in the wall
ddc95: construction
ddc95: construction 3
ddc95: construction 2
ddc95: demo 2
ddc95: demo 1
ddc95: astoria parking lot 1
ddc95: ditmars
ddc95: astoria parking lot 2
ddc95: the view is almost gone
ddc95: construction
ddc95: long island city
ddc95: looks like goodbye
ddc95: Queensboro Plaza
ddc95: Queensboro plaza construction
ddc95: 39th st
ddc95: Milwaukee
ddc95: construction
ddc95: astoria blvd