Crested Aperture Photography: Raptor F-22 Takeoff
Crested Aperture Photography: Afterburner and Condensate
Crested Aperture Photography: Heritage Flight P-51 and F-22 Raptor
Crested Aperture Photography: Thunderbird afterburner
Crested Aperture Photography: Aerobatic display- Trojan Horesemen T-28
Crested Aperture Photography: Trojan Horsemen T-28-Vintage Aircraft
Crested Aperture Photography: F-22 Raptor takes off at Andrews
Crested Aperture Photography: Thunderbirds Takeoff
Crested Aperture Photography: Corsair Fighter-F4U and P-51
Crested Aperture Photography: Patriotic Paratrooper
Crested Aperture Photography: B-25 Panchito "Mitchell" Vintage Bomber
Crested Aperture Photography: Trojan Horsemen Return
Crested Aperture Photography: B-25 Panchito"Mitchell" bear Polished Metal
Crested Aperture Photography: Raptor afterburner
Crested Aperture Photography: P-51 Quick Silver
Crested Aperture Photography: The Falcon and Raptor
Crested Aperture Photography: Pitts Aircraft "Jelly Bean"
Crested Aperture Photography: Scott Francis Aerobatics
Crested Aperture Photography: United States - Bell UH-1 Iroquois Hueys
Crested Aperture Photography: Joint Services Open House 2015 - Andrews AFB
Crested Aperture Photography: Scott Francis Aerobatics
Crested Aperture Photography: Thunderbird Takeoff