Crested Aperture Photography:
Bumble Bee
Crested Aperture Photography:
Crested Aperture Photography:
Byblia anvatara (Common Joker)
Crested Aperture Photography:
Acraea encedon
Crested Aperture Photography:
Neptis? (Please Id)
Crested Aperture Photography:
Landing Pad
Crested Aperture Photography:
Red Admiral Butterfly
Crested Aperture Photography:
Red Admiral on Rose
Crested Aperture Photography:
The Monarchs are out !
Crested Aperture Photography:
Common Acraea
Crested Aperture Photography:
Common Acraea
Crested Aperture Photography:
Junonia Oenone - Blue Pansy
Crested Aperture Photography:
Just Stretching
Crested Aperture Photography:
Watching you !
Crested Aperture Photography:
Crested Aperture Photography:
Crested Aperture Photography:
Solitary Monarch
Crested Aperture Photography:
Vanessa Virginiensis, American Lady Butterfly
Crested Aperture Photography:
Crested Aperture Photography:
Vanessa Virginiensis, American Lady Butterfly
Crested Aperture Photography:
Vanessa Virginiensis, American Lady Butterfly
Crested Aperture Photography:
Locust Borer Bettle
Crested Aperture Photography:
Busy Monarch
Crested Aperture Photography:
Monarch Butterfly
Crested Aperture Photography:
Small Milkweed Bug and Bee
Crested Aperture Photography:
Asclepias Physocarpa (Flower), and Milkweed Bug
Crested Aperture Photography:
Crested Aperture Photography:
Monarch on Zinnia
Crested Aperture Photography:
White Peacock (Anartia jatrophae) Butterflies of Brazil