Crested Aperture Photography: Junonia Sophia Butterfly
Crested Aperture Photography: Hypolycaena Caeculus
Crested Aperture Photography: Butterfly at Entebbe
Crested Aperture Photography: Junonia Oenone - Blue Pansy
Crested Aperture Photography: Byblia anvatara (Common Joker)
Crested Aperture Photography: Neptis? (Please Id)
Crested Aperture Photography: The Monarchs are out !
Crested Aperture Photography: Red Admiral Butterfly
Crested Aperture Photography: Vanessa Virginiensis, American Lady Butterfly
Crested Aperture Photography: Vanessa Virginiensis, American Lady Butterfly
Crested Aperture Photography: Vanessa Virginiensis, American Lady Butterfly
Crested Aperture Photography: (Cracker) Butterfly
Crested Aperture Photography: White Peacock (Anartia jatrophae) Butterflies of Brazil
Crested Aperture Photography: Banded Longwing (Dryadula phaetusa)
Crested Aperture Photography: Zebra Hairstreak (Arawacus Separata) Butterflies of Brazil
Crested Aperture Photography: Cambridge Blue, Pseudolycaena marsyas (Lycaenidae)
Crested Aperture Photography: Butterflies of Brazil (ID Please)
Crested Aperture Photography: Ascia Monuste - Southern Great White
Crested Aperture Photography: Butterflies of Brazil (Please ID)
Crested Aperture Photography: Stalachtis phlegia nocticoelum, Butterflies of Brazil