dd-anne: Beauty inside bones :) #porcelainbjd #AliceinUnderland
dd-anne: Bonjour! #porcelainbjd #doll #workinginprocess #rococo
dd-anne: The corset is not for her. But at this stage, I think it shows better with her tan skin. #workinginprocess #corset #doll #porcelainbjd
dd-anne: The corset is not for her. But at this stage, I think it shows better with her tan skin. #workinginprocess #corset #doll #porcelainbjd
dd-anne: I'm glad it took less time than I expected. One piece done, a step closer to the finish line. 😁#workinginprocess #corset #doll #porcelainbjd
dd-anne: I'm glad it took less time than I expected. One piece done, a step closer to the finish line. 😁#workinginprocess #corset #doll #porcelainbjd
dd-anne: I don't believe dolls have souls, however, somehow, I wish people can feel something when they look through her eyes. (Alice still in process
dd-anne: Family photo
dd-anne: Made in June
dd-anne: Made in June
dd-anne: china paint in process
dd-anne: The little blue dress is done.
dd-anne: Working in process
dd-anne: Working in process, #AliceinUnderland chapter 5
dd-anne: Things I've been working on recently.:)
dd-anne: Commissioned doll - Venus sleeping version No.7
dd-anne: Tan skin beauty.
dd-anne: And new lip color, cherry black 👄
dd-anne: Working in process, more dolls are coming. 😄
dd-anne: Working in process. My first tattooed and tan skin doll.
dd-anne: working in process Venus sleeping version No.7
dd-anne: Filigree inlaying art practice, sliver & moonstone
dd-anne: A group photo
dd-anne: Commissioned doll - Venus sleeping version No.6
dd-anne: Standers, Hight adjustable to fit both bare feet and high heels
dd-anne: New doll, working in process
dd-anne: Commission doll - Venus sleeping version No.4
dd-anne: 'Kate Moss'