D. C. Wilson: The red barn on the farm
D. C. Wilson: Humans ok, dogs not ok
D. C. Wilson: The old farmhouse
D. C. Wilson: Twisted tree
D. C. Wilson: A buggy in a barn
D. C. Wilson: Window plants
D. C. Wilson: Looking out the window
D. C. Wilson: Magnolia in bloom
D. C. Wilson: Barn and windmill
D. C. Wilson: Wagon advertisement
D. C. Wilson: Magnolia tree in full bloom
D. C. Wilson: Old kitchen items
D. C. Wilson: The old kitchen stove
D. C. Wilson: Leader of the pack
D. C. Wilson: Flatbed wagon and sheds
D. C. Wilson: The old farm house
D. C. Wilson: Daffodil cluster
D. C. Wilson: The old tool shed
D. C. Wilson: Hay wagon still working
D. C. Wilson: Head or tail
D. C. Wilson: The front of the old farmhouse
D. C. Wilson: An empty Visitor Center
D. C. Wilson: He knows all about grass
D. C. Wilson: Windmill in action
D. C. Wilson: Weathered
D. C. Wilson: Red barn and green grass
D. C. Wilson: The maintenance barn
D. C. Wilson: Is it a birdhouse?
D. C. Wilson: Cedar Lake 1
D. C. Wilson: The windmill at the lake