DWImages-Daniela White:
DWImages-Daniela White:
Mother's Love !
DWImages-Daniela White:
Who is going to sweep the floor?... Not me!
DWImages-Daniela White:
Rush hour in Banjul !
DWImages-Daniela White:
Doing things the Old Way!
DWImages-Daniela White:
English Breakfast
DWImages-Daniela White:
Posing for you!
DWImages-Daniela White:
DWImages-Daniela White:
Silhouetted on the Ocean Front
DWImages-Daniela White:
Gambian Fishermen
DWImages-Daniela White:
Africa through my lens!
DWImages-Daniela White:
Fish market mayem!
DWImages-Daniela White:
Playing Football!
DWImages-Daniela White:
African sand !
DWImages-Daniela White:
African Mask