DWImages-Daniela White:
The chosen bunch
DWImages-Daniela White:
A Dentist's nightmare!!
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DWImages-Daniela White:
A disdainful Cheetah
DWImages-Daniela White:
Dali in disguise!
DWImages-Daniela White:
The Road Not Taken!
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Mother and daughter
DWImages-Daniela White:
Am I an Elephant or am I a tree? Camouflaged
DWImages-Daniela White:
Come closer and I'll give you a thrill that u'll remember !!
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Who dunnit ?
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DWImages-Daniela White:
African art - Details
DWImages-Daniela White:
Blue Bird- Ruppell's Glossy Starling (Lamprotornis purpuroptera)
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Impala a young buck!
DWImages-Daniela White:
I'm a rainbow! Lilac-breasted Roller
DWImages-Daniela White:
Russet Seascape
DWImages-Daniela White:
Hacuna Matata! (Not a worry or don't worry) Such a lovely phrase
DWImages-Daniela White:
Giant water turtle
DWImages-Daniela White:
I need a Hair cut soon!!!
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Crossing stripes!
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At the end of the day the sun goes down and plays hide and seek
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I am the King , but I'm tired can't you see? !
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Cheeky Bird!
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Let me sleep and buzzz off!
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Non sono cornuto!!
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In memory of my PC that died age 2
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Ready for take off!
DWImages-Daniela White:
I Love You ... The best phrase in the whole world! This is for all my Flickr friends but most of all it's for my very patient husband that puts up with me and my photography.
DWImages-Daniela White:
Dreaming- I open my eyes and think of you, I utter a word and it is your name ...
DWImages-Daniela White:
Daylily...an explosion of orange!