DWImages-Daniela White: The crooked house
DWImages-Daniela White: In The Enchanted Forest
DWImages-Daniela White: Memories of old
DWImages-Daniela White: The old warehouses
DWImages-Daniela White: Railway to infinity
DWImages-Daniela White: A peaceful moment.JPG1
DWImages-Daniela White: Turkish Rooftops
DWImages-Daniela White: Abstract in metal
DWImages-Daniela White: Reflection upon reflection
DWImages-Daniela White: Fatherly concern
DWImages-Daniela White: A Strong Profile
DWImages-Daniela White: A Strong Profile 3
DWImages-Daniela White: A disdainful Cheetah
DWImages-Daniela White: Facial espressions of a Giraffe - Put together for me by Paul Mezzer
DWImages-Daniela White: Give Us A Kiss !!
DWImages-Daniela White: Nelly the elephant went to town......Thump, Thump, Thump!
DWImages-Daniela White: I just needed a window, so I went out and got one! If only life was so easy.
DWImages-Daniela White: A Solitary Tree
DWImages-Daniela White: Bring on the music!
DWImages-Daniela White: DWI_5079_sm_bw