DWImages-Daniela White: Another Winter sunset
DWImages-Daniela White: A winter sunset
DWImages-Daniela White: A walk in the country at sunset
DWImages-Daniela White: Seashore Sunset
DWImages-Daniela White: Golden Sunset
DWImages-Daniela White: On golden Sand
DWImages-Daniela White: At the end of the day the sun goes down and plays hide and seek
DWImages-Daniela White: Romantic sunset in Zanzibar
DWImages-Daniela White: Russet Seascape
DWImages-Daniela White: Golden Reflections
DWImages-Daniela White: The Sun setting down viewed from my balcony
DWImages-Daniela White: Rosso di sera...!
DWImages-Daniela White: Sunset on the Nile