DWImages-Daniela White: Who are you looking at!
DWImages-Daniela White: Mallard Drake
DWImages-Daniela White: I'm grumpy today, buzz off !!
DWImages-Daniela White: I'm a rainbow! Lilac-breasted Roller
DWImages-Daniela White: Blue Bird- Ruppell's Glossy Starling (Lamprotornis purpuroptera)
DWImages-Daniela White: In un mondo che prigioniero e' Il mio canto Libero sei tu - In a world that is a prisoner , you are my free song
DWImages-Daniela White: Red billed Hornbill
DWImages-Daniela White: Wading in the shallow looking for a meal
DWImages-Daniela White: A Regal Fish Eagle
DWImages-Daniela White: African Bird -Crowned Lapwing (Vanellus coronatus) aka Crowned Plover.
DWImages-Daniela White: Southern Ground-Hornbill (Bucorvus leadbeateri) Identified by Mikel - many thanks
DWImages-Daniela White: I'm watching you!
DWImages-Daniela White: Brrrr I'm so cold!
DWImages-Daniela White: Who is a pretty bird hey!!
DWImages-Daniela White: A Vulture Pose
DWImages-Daniela White: Blue-bellied roller
DWImages-Daniela White: It's Lunch Time! Id Please!