dcuartielles: SMEE packed for Istanbul
dcuartielles: SMEE packed for Istanbul 2
dcuartielles: SMEE's sit
dcuartielles: The light effects
dcuartielles: Light effects 2
dcuartielles: Marcos also worked with it
dcuartielles: Ossians workspace
dcuartielles: Shopping list
dcuartielles: Marcus ... why?
dcuartielles: xpike the bike
dcuartielles: the interface metaphor
dcuartielles: xpike again
dcuartielles: we made it this late
dcuartielles: the painting room
dcuartielles: the fuel tank
dcuartielles: fuel tank 2
dcuartielles: some grafitti in the painting room
dcuartielles: spoiler (as Ossian called it)
dcuartielles: the black pcb version Sweden
dcuartielles: black is black
dcuartielles: the yellow tape
dcuartielles: the LED circuit by David
dcuartielles: Ossians baggage
dcuartielles: Mackie falling asleep on his suitcase
dcuartielles: transporting fragile stuff
dcuartielles: more xpike