dcuartielles: first contact with the floor
dcuartielles: as it came from BCN
dcuartielles: motor rack
dcuartielles: checking 'verything's in place
dcuartielles: out of the box
dcuartielles: supply supplying, controller controlling
dcuartielles: quienes son estos tipos?
dcuartielles: general view
dcuartielles: configuration of lights and motors
dcuartielles: testing the setup
dcuartielles: actors in line
dcuartielles: posing for the press
dcuartielles: stepper board designed in Zaragoza, made in Korea
dcuartielles: 6 hacked scanners
dcuartielles: the final production
dcuartielles: sideview stepper controller
dcuartielles: mounting the bed on top
dcuartielles: first attempt with front legs
dcuartielles: the snail and her mum the spider
dcuartielles: the lover
dcuartielles: boyfriend-girlfriend into a fight
dcuartielles: the producer that promised to iron the blanket
dcuartielles: interface to control the installation
dcuartielles: documenting
dcuartielles: second attempt: get rid of the front legs
dcuartielles: the lab comes and goes
dcuartielles: grey is the only color that could make this right
dcuartielles: Tobbe aka. Mr. Tapas
dcuartielles: Marc and Tobbe blowing it out
dcuartielles: the BraziloGerman