dcuartielles: funky colors meets weird beard
dcuartielles: people, RFID tags, and kids
dcuartielles: Arduino Kits
dcuartielles: talking stepping
dcuartielles: not fully operational
dcuartielles: boiled eggs?
dcuartielles: N E W and U N I Q U E
dcuartielles: cube team
dcuartielles: how many power supplies do you need?
dcuartielles: cooking plate
dcuartielles: wired hat collection summer 07
dcuartielles: coding-testing-coding-testing-co...
dcuartielles: Processing Prof.
dcuartielles: how to make an interactive floor
dcuartielles: thiking about how to get hair growing
dcuartielles: messuring
dcuartielles: the coffee flute
dcuartielles: workshop tapes
dcuartielles: upgrade
dcuartielles: a different reference clock
dcuartielles: Arduino Kit
dcuartielles: checking out firmata
dcuartielles: the stomach of the beast