BAR Photography: The Coolidge Auditorium
BAR Photography: The Coolidge Auditorium
BAR Photography: Here to stay - George and Ira Gershwin at the Library of Congress
BAR Photography: Here to stay - George and Ira Gershwin at the Library of Congress
BAR Photography: Here to stay - George and Ira Gershwin at the Library of Congress
BAR Photography: Welcome of the Library of Congress
BAR Photography: Welcome of the Library of Congress
BAR Photography: Thru the halls of the Library of Congress
BAR Photography: Welcome of the Library of Congress
BAR Photography: Thru the halls of the Library of Congress
BAR Photography: Thru the halls of the Library of Congress
BAR Photography: Library of Congress statues
BAR Photography: Library of Congress statues
BAR Photography: Ceiling of the Library of Congress
BAR Photography: Inside the Library of Congress
BAR Photography: Side ceilings of the Library of Congress
BAR Photography: Side ceilings of the Library of Congress
BAR Photography: Inside the Library of Congress
BAR Photography: Inside the Library of Congress
BAR Photography: Inside the Library of Congress
BAR Photography: Inside the Library of Congress
BAR Photography: Inside the Library of Congress
BAR Photography: Library of Congress ceiling
BAR Photography: Library of Congress interior
BAR Photography: Library of Congress interior
BAR Photography: Library of Congress interior
BAR Photography: Gutenberg Bible in the Library of Congress
BAR Photography: Gutenberg Bible in the Library of Congress
BAR Photography: Gutenberg Bible in the Library of Congress
BAR Photography: Library of Congress Ceilings